Benchtop Sterilisers for Fiji, Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste Centres
In 2019 the ANZGITA team that prioritises the needs of our partners centres put bench-top sterilisers for CWMH Suva, NRH Honiara, and HNGV Dili as high priority projects. Along with drying cabinets, they would complete the reprocessing systems at these hospitals following the semi-automatic systems installed at NRH and HNGV and the Medivator at CWMH.
The type of steriliser envisaged was one along the lines of those used in dental practices rather than larger hospital ones, but still able to fit the range of endoscopy equipment the centres use. We had hoped to obtain demo or secondhand models at a 'good price' as new ones could be as much as $10,000. However, after almost two years of searching we were reluctantly coming to the conclusion we would have to acquire new models if we wanted to proceed.
In February 2021, 8 sterilisers – all the same model (W&H Lisa as pictured) – appeared on a government disposal website. They were benchtop size and had been meant for mobile dental units, but were too large for the available space, and after 12 months have never been used. We had specified the base functionality required, and the Lisa model exceeds that. We bid at a price level around that of a new steriliser having our base functionality requirements and were successful.
The Lisa model is clearly a better product than one with our base functionality and represents a significant bonus for our partners’ centres. Some of the advantages identified were:
• 5 trays instead of 3 meaning fewer cleaning cycles per session and a longer product life
• A faster work cycle
• Built in water quality sensor
• Battery powered door opening function for when power fails
The type of steriliser envisaged was one along the lines of those used in dental practices rather than larger hospital ones, but still able to fit the range of endoscopy equipment the centres use. We had hoped to obtain demo or secondhand models at a 'good price' as new ones could be as much as $10,000. However, after almost two years of searching we were reluctantly coming to the conclusion we would have to acquire new models if we wanted to proceed.
In February 2021, 8 sterilisers – all the same model (W&H Lisa as pictured) – appeared on a government disposal website. They were benchtop size and had been meant for mobile dental units, but were too large for the available space, and after 12 months have never been used. We had specified the base functionality required, and the Lisa model exceeds that. We bid at a price level around that of a new steriliser having our base functionality requirements and were successful.
The Lisa model is clearly a better product than one with our base functionality and represents a significant bonus for our partners’ centres. Some of the advantages identified were:
• 5 trays instead of 3 meaning fewer cleaning cycles per session and a longer product life
• A faster work cycle
• Built in water quality sensor
• Battery powered door opening function for when power fails