Equipment, Accessories & Logistics Partners

ANZGITA's principal activity is intensive training programs, which can only occur with suitable equipment, materials and facilities at our in-country partners' centres to allow sufficient procedural training and safe practice. Increased gastroenterology services capacity, the primary outcome of our training, enable sustainable services to be developed by our partners at their centres. In all cases, donated items, including maintenance support, supplement what centres are able to provide through their own budgets.
The ultimate objective is for our partners to manage supply through their own planning and budgeting. However, budgets in developing countries often do not stretch this far. By assisting our partners in the interim, we hope to demonstrate the benefit of service availability and encourage greater support from administrators and national governments.
ANZGITA receives assistance from a number of organisations. Through in-kind donations they supply endoscopy equipment, accessories, consumables and disinfection chemicals as well as other items such as preparations for bowel cleansing and treatment. Further assistance is always welcome. Transporting equipment to countries like Fiji and Timor-Leste is expensive and the logistics require constant attention. Some of our directors and country program leaders have fostered relationships with carriers and others with valuable connections in the logistics industry.
The ultimate objective is for our partners to manage supply through their own planning and budgeting. However, budgets in developing countries often do not stretch this far. By assisting our partners in the interim, we hope to demonstrate the benefit of service availability and encourage greater support from administrators and national governments.
ANZGITA receives assistance from a number of organisations. Through in-kind donations they supply endoscopy equipment, accessories, consumables and disinfection chemicals as well as other items such as preparations for bowel cleansing and treatment. Further assistance is always welcome. Transporting equipment to countries like Fiji and Timor-Leste is expensive and the logistics require constant attention. Some of our directors and country program leaders have fostered relationships with carriers and others with valuable connections in the logistics industry.
Recent Donations
Whiteley provided a range of cleaning and disinfection chemical products for for Samoa and Timor-Leste as part of its commitment to support all our partner sites.
Vitramed for its recent donation of hemoclips.
Vitramed for its recent donation of hemoclips.
Long Term, Committed Supporters
These organisations have committed long-term, substantial support in an area of our operations, often with formalised commitments in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU):
- CR Kennedy, as the Australian distributor of Fujifilm endoscopy equipment supports the WGO Training Centre at the Colonial War Memorial Hospital in Suva, Fiji with endoscopy equipment, services and advice over the next five years, continuing a role it had already undertaken in recent years. The company has also supported us with the production of marketing materials.
- Olympus, support the Hospital Nacional Guido Valadares (HNGV) in Dili, Timor-Leste and Vaiola Hospital, Tonga with endoscopy equipment and services over the next five years. Support has also provided for ERCP training in Fiji through an in-kind donation of accessories.
- Pentax Medical support the National Referral Hospital (NRH) in Honiara, Solomon Islands with endoscopy equipment, services and advice over the next five years.
- Whiteley Corporation generously supplies all our partners' sites with their endoscopy cleaning and disinfection chemicals needs. The company also sponsored the lead endoscopy nurse from HNGV, Dili, to attend AGW2018 and observe an endoscopy unit in Brisbane.
- Cantel Australia sourced and installed the semi-automatic reprocessing systems specified by ANZGITA for Solomon Islands and Timor-Leste. It reviewed the automatic reprocessing systems in Fiji, and provided training. The company is working with us to establish on-going support procedures and services.
Other industry support in the form of in-kind have also come from:
- CK Surgitech has provided substantial product consignments for HNGV, Dili and CWMH, Suva.
- DS Biomedical provided endoscope repair and reconditioning services for seven used endoscopes donated by Townsville Hospital which were then given to Pohnpei State Hospital in Kolonia, Federated States of Micronesia.
- Norgine provided product.
- Various hospitals, organisations and suppliers have provided accessories and materials - a number of them are mentioned below.
In the area of transport and logistics support:
More assistance with equipment, accessories, materials and related services is always welcome. Please contact [email protected]
- Medical Aid for Oceania and Worldwide (MAFO) led for us by Mr Barry Barford, consultant logistician, arranges shipping of equipment and materials to partners' centres and also provides funding for shipments. MAFO is an international aid and development project registered with the Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) and sponsored by the Rotary Club of Berrima District.
- Pentagon Freight (Brisbane) assists us with storage of endoscopy materials and packing of consignments to partners' centres.
- The Fiji High Commission in Australia and Ministry of Health in Fiji have assisted in securing container space for moving materials to Suva. Gibson Freight have worked with the High Commission in this work.
- Doctors Assisting in South Pacific Islands (DAISI) assisted in transporting materials to Solomon Islands by providing space in their container at no charge.
More assistance with equipment, accessories, materials and related services is always welcome. Please contact [email protected]